5th - 12th Grade Classes
Our experienced and passionate educators look forward to supporting you in your homeschool journey with your middle and high school aged students! These classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-4:00 at the First NSB Campus.
Please view the Curriculum & Supply List from the drop down menu for all curriculum and materials needed.

Math 5 with Ms. Sandy | 9:00
Students in Math 5 will continue building on the skills they developed in Math 4, and will apply them to “real world” scenarios. It is my goal to make math engaging and relevant through games, activities, and project based learning exercises in addition to the daily lesson activities. This year, students can expect to receive more individualized assistance during independent work times, learn cooperatively with other students during math project times, and discover how math is found in creation as well as how we use it every day.

English 5 with Ms. Nicole | 10:00
Students will follow IEWs highly effective writing curriculum, read and respond to engaging pieces of literature through class discussions and hands on projects, and learn grammar and vocabulary in way that will enable students to improve their reading and writing!

Science 5 with Ms. Michelle | 11:00
​In this Chemistry and Physics class, students will appreciate the fascinating (and fun!) world of science in a whole new way as they study the basic building blocks of creation, atoms and molecules, simple chemicals, the laws of motion, and energy in its many forms.

Technology 5-6 with Ms. Ellie | 1:00
Google Applied Digital Skills
Applied Digital Skills is an online, project-based learning curriculum. Students will apply their learning of digital skills to help them solve real-world problems. Topics can range from creating a presentation, writing an if-then adventure story, using Drive to organize files, creating a guide to an area, creating charts, graphs, infographics and more depending on the interests of the students.

History 5-6 with Ms. Michelle | 2:00
Your child will delight in describing all the exciting events they are learning about in this Modern World History course using the Mystery of History vol. 4 text.
From the wars of independence around the world to modern times, history will be relevant and your student will enjoy making connections.

Play writing and Production 5-6 w/
Ms. Christianne | 3:00
Students will first work together to perform each role in a ready made production - including set design, costumes, and performance.
Then, students will be challenged to work together to write and produce their own play.
This integrated learning course incorporates art, public speaking, literature, history, music appreciation, and collaborative learning.

Business 5-12 with Ms. Nicole | 3:00
Being an entrepreneur is more than just a job title - it’s an outlook on life. Entrepreneurs are the leaders and builders of our future.
Our class aims to teach students to develop and incorporate highly desirable, God-honoring character traits and transferable job skills into their very own businesses with purpose. From business plans to setting up shop- students will work on their own businesses while forming their characters.

Science 6 with Ms. Michelle | 9:00
​In this Chemistry and Physics class, students will appreciate the fascinating (and fun!) world of science in a whole new way as they study the basic building blocks of creation, atoms and molecules, simple chemicals, the laws of motion, and energy in its many forms.

Math 6 with Ms. Sandy | 10:00
Students in Math 6 will continue building on the skills they developed in Math 5, and will apply them to “real world” scenarios. It is my goal to make math engaging and relevant through games, activities, and project based learning exercises in addition to the daily lesson activities. This year, students can expect to receive more individualized assistance during independent work times, learn cooperatively with other students during math project times, and discover how math is found in creation as well as how we use it every day.

English 6 with Ms. Nicole | 11:00
Students will learn to love writing with structure and style as we utilize IEWs systematic writing approach and Fix It! Grammar program. Literature selections across a variety of genres will expand students' horizons and will foster a love of reading, all while developing a rich vocabulary.

Math 7 with Ms. Rachel | 9:00
In this class, students will exercise their problem-solving skills and learn that math can be accessible and useful! We will be using Teaching Textbooks for daily lessons in addition to a variety of math puzzles, games, and activities!

Science 7 w/ Ms. Michelle | 10:00
This is a true General Science course covering a variety of branches of science including astronomy, meteorology, oceanography, earth study, geology, paleontology, and environmental science modules giving students a solid foundation in that broad field of study. Students will learn how to properly use the scientific method, how to record data and report it, and how to utilize several types of graphs.

Technology 7-8 w/ Ms. Ellie | 11:00 (S1)
Google Applied Digital Skills
Applied Digital Skills is an online, project-based learning curriculum. Students will apply their learning of digital skills to help them solve real-world problems. Topics can range from creating a presentation, writing an if-then adventure story, using Drive to organize files, creating a guide to an area, creating charts, graphs, infographics and more depending on the interests of the students.

Civics 7-8 with Ms. Lorena | 11:00 (S2)
Understanding the rights and responsibilities of what it means to be an American citizen has never been more important.

English 7 with Ms. Christianne | 1:00
From thesis statements to transitions, introductions to conclusions, students will learn the building blocks of a well-crafted essay in IEW's writing programs. Students will gain confidence in their ability to adequately craft descriptive writing, argumentative writing, and the beginning phases of literary analysis. Supplemental activities and lessons, along with creative elements, will be included to further encourage practice and understanding of essay writing that will prove purposeful in upper-level English classes.

History 7 with Ms. Christianne | 2:00
Volume 1: Creation to Cathedrals will introduce students to ancient civilizations, the Great Empires, the early Church, and the Middle Ages. Each unit includes five lessons that look at biographies, landmarks, daily life, "God's Wonders" (natural resources), and "Our World" stories (major events).

Forensics 7-12 w/ Ms. Michelle | 3:00
Forensics encompasses many science disciplines as they are used to support the legal system. In our forensic science class, students will explore forensic disciplines of crime scene documentation​s and will learn to observe, collect, analyze, and evaluate evidence associated with criminal cases. Through scientific reasoning and critical thinking, students will evaluate the use of scientific principles as they apply to criminalistics and other life situations.

English 8 with Ms. Nicole | 9:00
From thesis statements to transitions, introductions to conclusions, students will learn the building blocks of a well-crafted essay in IEW's writing programs. Students will gain confidence in their ability to adequately craft descriptive writing, argumentative writing, and the beginning phases of literary analysis. Supplemental activities and lessons, along with creative elements, will be included to further encourage practice and understanding of essay writing that will prove purposeful in upper-level English classes.

History 8 with Ms. Christianne | 10:00
Volume 1: Creation to Cathedrals will introduce students to ancient civilizations, the Great Empires, the early Church, and the Middle Ages. Each unit includes five lessons that look at biographies, landmarks, daily life, "God's Wonders" (natural resources), and "Our World" stories (major events).

Science 8 with Ms. Nicole K | 1:00
Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 3rd Edition is designed to prepare your 8th or 9th grade student as they transition into high school Biology. This science course teaches atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical bonds, reactions, motion, forces, energy, waves, sound, light, electricity, magnetism, Earth’s structure, weathering, and atmosphere.

Pre-Algebra with Ms. Rachel | 2:00
In this class, students will exercise their problem-solving skills and learn that math can be accessible and useful! We will be using Teaching Textbooks for daily lessons in addition to a variety of math puzzles, games, and activities!

English 9-12 w/ Ms. Christianne | 9:00
This class will provide a solid grounding in literary analysis, such as what to look for when we read a work of literature, the literary devices commonly used by authors and why they work well, and how authors succeed in conveying tone, theme, character, irony, point of view, and so forth. Students will learn how to analyze elements of literature: setting, plot, characterization, imagery, allusions, parallelism, and much more.

Algebra 1 with Ms. Rachel | 10:00
In this class, students will exercise their problem-solving skills and learn that math can be accessible and useful! We will be using Teaching Textbooks for daily lessons in addition to a variety of math puzzles, games, and activities!

World History w/ Mr. Bill | 10:00
This class will cover all periods of history - ancient, medieval, and modern - from the perspective of faith in God and respect for His Word. It offers a thorough survey of Western civilization with significant coverage of Latin America, Africa, and Asia. With many creative supplemental activities, students will meet key figures that influenced each time period, read historical documents, and view artifacts that will ultimately give students a rich experience of different world cultures.

Biology w/ Ms. Nicole K | 11:00
This course illustrates the beauty of life that surrounds us all! Modules cover atoms, chemical structures, ecosystems, biomes, ecological communities, cell structure and function, cellular energy, DNA, proteins, cell cycles, and genetics (including inheritance, disorders, and technology). Students will also learn about prokaryotes, viruses, protists, fungi, and the fascinating worlds of plants and animals.

Geometry with Ms. Rachel | 11:00
In this class, students will exercise their problem -solving skills and learn that math can be accessible and useful! We will be using Teaching Textbooks for daily lessons in addition to a variety of math puzzles, games, and activities.

Film Studies w/ Ms. Nicole | 1:00
Cinema Studies for Literature Learning can be counted as an elective or Language Arts credit for high school. It is geared to the visual learner; to those who are reluctant readers or for whom reading is very time-consuming and to those who simply love movies! Good movies tell stories and with good storytelling requires the use of traditionally respected literary devices and techniques. With a little help from a study guide and class discussion, many movies introduce the viewer to excellent literature that is being presented in a visual medium.

Technology with Ms. Ellie | 2:00 (S1)
Introduction to Web Design: Create a Responsible Blog with Google Sites
This class will teach the basics of web design. Students will learn how to create and upload images, videos, and other design elements. The culminating project will be a unique blog dedicated to a topic of their choosing.

Mock Trial with Ms. Nicole | 2:00 (S2)
Through the integrative use of logic, rhetoric, and government, students will participate in a variety of trials to ensure justice is served.